Pure Randomness!

Pure Randomness!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Butterflies in my garden

This is my 50th post. So what? Oh! Don't ask me, so what. I just noticed, so I mentioned. Nothing special. Phew! You are sometimes rude.

I have been thinking about documenting the butterflies which visit my garden, But then butterflies, just like long-billed sun-birds, do not like getting photographed and it is quite some work running behind them to get a picture in which they are stable and in-focus. Then I found out that the secret of getting the right picture is not about running behind them tirelessly, but being patient and sitting, waiting at the right place without wearing any perfume or insect repellent. You just have to live with the mosquitoes and the rashes they give. So I said forget it, let me document the stationary objects in my garden. I have quite some exotic fruits (figs, exotic for my garden), vegetables (Italian heirloom tomatoes) and spices (cardamom, pepper) in my garden. That didn't sound very challenging, I told myself if I can get 10 distinct butterflies captured in my camera I will blog on them, forget them being in-focus. So here I go with my far away from perfect pictures. The idea is to just document the butterflies, photographing them beautifully is for sometime later.
Common Bluebottle
I have not seen many blue bottles in my garden. This could have been one rare visit or it visits at particular times in the year. But this is one pretty butterfly I would like to see much more of it in my garden.

Common Grass Yellow
Common grass yellows are there in my garden whenever there is sun shining and always near the globe amaranth plant. I just had to sit quietly near the plant for 5-6 minutes for them to come back and sit on the flower for me to take the picture.

Common Leopard
 I don't see common leopard any more in my garden. The day it appeared, I had at least 3-4 and I managed to take pictures. But not any more.

Common Baron
 Common barons also don't visit my garden now a days. It is quite possible that the character of my garden has changed in such a way that the butterflies which visit have also changed drastically.

Common Mormon - female and male
Common Mormon is one butterfly which visits my garden in it old and new form. But the problem with this butterfly is that it is very difficult to capture it staying still (for me), look at its fluttering wings. At least the male is better captured.

Crimson Rose
Crimson Rose is the winner, or at least so I thought till I saw some other. May be because this is the first one without a "common" at its front. It is also one of the regulars in my garden then and also now and very pretty. But I wonder how it manages to get so dirty (see the top left one).

Blue Mormon
Currently Blue Mormon is the winner, may be because it is the newest visitor to my garden. But I already saw a caterpillar of this on one of my curry leaf plants. What a pity that I didn't take a picture when I saw it, as it disappeared from the plant the next time when I checked. I couldn't find the caterpillar or the chrysalis anywhere nearby. And once Shyam saw the curry leaf plant he complained "YOUR caterpillar has eaten MY curry leaves."

Common Crow
A garden is not a garden without Common Crow. But what I am waiting to see is, it's pupa and chrysalis.

Common Bushbrown
I can say the same as common crow for Common Bushbrown also, but then my garden started getting, or at least I have started noticing them only recently.

I have a few more butterfly pictures. But I am just too lazy to go about identifying them or editing them properly, so these 9 would do. Since I fell short of my target of 10, I will compensate with this one.

I have absolutely no idea which butterflies caterpillar this is. But these managed to eat away one whole crape jasmine plant of mine.

Tomorrow is Saturday, may be it is time again for me to pick up the camera and go into the garden and this time do some serious photography (get them in focus, basically).

Disclaimer: I am not an authority in butterflies, so in case I have made a mistake by wrongly identifying any of these beauties, please let me know.


  1. Hey Suppu, nice post and really great photos! BTW I couldn't help noticing that you posted this at 11:11 on 11/11/11!

  2. Hey Subhadra, it is nice to notice that you have the time to notice the dewdrops at your doorsteps.

  3. Amit, thanks :) We were having a party at home for celebrating 11-11-11 and then when it became 11:11 pm, we were celebrating (basically a lot of shouting) and I used that cue to post it. Cool na?

  4. Swagata, I am so glad I managed to get out of the earlier rut and able to enjoy the things around :)

  5. you are blessed to have them in your garden.

  6. Sree, I am, totally agree with you. Those strawberry plants had invaded part of my garden and I got half of them removed. I thought about you at that time. May be it is time again for you to visit, isn't it?

  7. Hey subs, i seriously did not believe that you take such nice pics yaar, too good

  8. Hmm Gayatri, do you believe now? How should I prove this to you?

  9. Fluttering butterflies doing all the talking. Nice pics!!!

    From: www.sriramnivas.com

  10. Great photography Subhadra!

    The last one though is a rarity, I'm sure. Have seen something like that for the first time :)


  11. Simply fantastic,
    Post speaks for itself..
    Best of luck.

  12. Thanks Mansi:) Yeah even I have not seen those caterpillars again.

  13. Thanks Deepak. Somehow your comment went to spam...

  14. Lovely snaps and an interesting post. Recently went to Namdapha national park in Arunachal which is a haven for butterflies. So I know the fact that it is so difficult to capture those little chaps (and girls of course).

  15. Thanks Malini:) There is a butterfly sanctuary in Bannerghata at Bangalore. I whole there with camera and tripod might be worth it.
