Pure Randomness!

Pure Randomness!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wake me up!

I know it is a nightmare
I should wake up any time now
It is gonna be over soon
I wait some more
But it is not getting over
I am in deep water
Water, isn't that supposed to wake me up?
But I am still going down
Something is curled around my left foot
Or is it my right?
It is pulling me deep down
Now I can't breathe
I panic, I struggle
My leg is free now, but
I don't know how to swim, do I?
I can't remember right now
Somebody, anybody


  1. what is that fear that is gripping you so tight? Why can't you fight it out?

  2. I have 6 months in front of me with my kids. I think I am starting to panic thinking about where I will be leaving them after this 6 months, whether it will be good enough......

  3. hmm the Creator will take care of that, you played your part with your soul in it. don't panic just give more in this 6 months.
