Pure Randomness!

Pure Randomness!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Roma - a picture tour

After the 2 year stint with teaching was over, I together with 3 of my friends, decided to see the world. We ended up in Rome last Tuesday. Though the intention was not to do any off beaten track, we found ourselves staying at a camping site a little outside the Rome city. The first things which caught my eye was the cotton which was flying around all over the place. But this cotton didn't come from long pods as I have seen back in India, but very small pepper sized pods. One day morning I ventured out while my friends were getting ready to go out. I found myself in the middle of a dream sequence in which light snow kept falling. I closed my eyes, extended my hands on my sides and rotated around a few times.
These are some pictures from my camera during my visit to Rome.

Trevi Fountain

The Spanish Steps
Fresco in the Vatican Museum
The beautifully frescoed ceiling in Vatican 

Last Supper in Tapestry in Vatican Museum

Creation of man in Sistine Chapel

Colosseum at night

Inside Colosseum

Madonna and the Child

(don't miss the blush saving tapestry which was added much later in the painting)